PRP and Micro Needling - Pre & Post Care Instructions

by Dr.Ashwin Budihal on Dec. 1, 2020

  • PRP for the face, is a treatment that involves drawing patient's own blood in a specialized PRP tube, processing it in a centrifugation machine to extract plasma fluid rich in platelets and infusing it into the facial tissue through Micro Needling. PRP contains numerous growth factors that stimulate new cell growth, help to improve the complexion, skin texture and restore lost facial volume.

Indications of PRP face :

  • Acne scars
  • Dark circles around the eyes
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Stretch marks
  • Skin tightening
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Anti ageing - Restoration of facial volume
  • Clear and healthy skin of face

Contraindications : PRP is contra indicated in the following conditions.

  • Impaired immune system due to immunosuppressive diseases, HIV or immunosuppressive medications (steroids, chemotherapy drugs etc)
  • Skin conditions and diseases including: Skin cancers, porphyria, SLE etc
  • A history of Isotretinoin intake in the past 2 months
  • Pacemakers, a history of a severe heart disorder, arrhythmias
  • Pregnancy or lactating
  • Blood thinning medications or blood clotting disorders
  • Any active skin disease or disorder around the treatment site like acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, herpes etc.
  • A history of keloids or abnormal wound healing

Prior to Treatment : Inform Your Doctor, if you have any of the following conditions

  • History of herpes simplex infection.
  • History of any significant allergy or skin sensitivity.
  • If you have recently had a facial peel or surgery.
  • Recent use of self-tanning lotions, tanning booths.
  • Prolonged sun exposure 24 hours prior to treatment.
  • All current medications and supplements including blood thinning, Isotretinoin and use of Retin-A products.
  • If you have had Hormone replacement therapy.
  • If you have a history of Keloid scarring.
  • If you are pregnant or lactating.

1 week before treatment :

Avoid chemical peels, waxing, electrolysis, Laser treatments, or threading.

  • Discontinue blood thinning agents such as vitamin E, vitamin A, Garlic, Flax, Cod Liver Oil, and Essential Fatty Acids, and multivitamins, a minimum of 7 days prior to treatment. It is alright to continue iron and vitamin D.
  • Avoid aspirin, Iburprofen, Naproxen, Voltaren and other anti-inflammatory medications. We want inflammation to occur – as this is one mechanism by which PRP works.
  • You may use Paracetemol, if needed prior to the treatment.
  • Prescription medications (including heart and blood pressure medication) should be taken as prescribed right up to, and including, the day of and the day after your treatments.
  • Avoid excessive sun or heat exposure.

3 Days before Treatment :

  • Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinols, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Salicylic Acid, or other anti-aging, and bleaching products.
  • Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or the use of hair removal cream on the area to be treated.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily of SPF 30 or higher.

On the Day of Treatment

  • Please arrive with a “clean face”. Do not wear makeup.
  • If the area to be treated requires shaving due to hair involvement, please shave the area the evening prior to your visit, to avoid any trauma or rash from shaving.
  • Consent would be taken prior to procedure.
  • A topical anesthetic cream will be applied for about 45 minutes prior to your procedure.

Immediately Following Treatment :

  • You may expect a certain degree of discomfort, redness, and/or irritation during and after treatment.
  • Your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. This diminishes within 24 hours.
  • If you experience any pain or discomfort you may take Paracetemol. Cold compresses can be applied to reduce swelling if necessary.
  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen. This will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for skin rejuvenation.
  • Light scabs may form in the treated area and remain for 24 to 48 hours.
  • Do not pick or scratch treated skin but instead keep it moisturized regularly.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure for at least 24 - 48 hours following treatment.
  • Make sure you only use clean linens and towels during the healing process.

After Treatment Care :

  • Continue to avoid aspirin, Iburprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac and other anti-inflammatory medications for 3 - 7 days after your procedure.
  • Use a gentle cleanser and tepid water to cleanse the face for initial 72 hours.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure, including tanning booths, and wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily of SPF 30 or higher.
  • Avoid warm environments (i.e., hot tubs, jacuzzis, steam rooms, hot yoga, saunas, etc.) for 3 days post treatment.
  • You may return to your skin care products and makeup when your skin is not irritated, typically 4 -5 days after treatment.

Results :

  • Skin gets warmer and red immediately after the procedure and remains so for next 2 -3 days.
  • By day 3 or 4, skin may feel a bit dry. This is normal and will resolve on its own. Use a gentle moisturizer as suggested.
  • You will begin to see improvements in the overall texture and tone shortly after your treatment, but the overall effects take up to 3 months, for optimal improvement.
  • New collagen formation takes 4-6 weeks to develop. So please be patient !
  • It is recommended to have a minimum of 4 treatments, 4 weeks apart for maximum benefit.

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