PRP for Stretch Marks in Bangalore
Stretch marks are typically caused by the stretching and tearing of the skin. Pregnancy, weight fluctuations, muscle building and surgical implants are common causes of stretch marks. One of the revolutionary new non-surgical treatments for stretch marks is PRP Therapy.
The Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP) is injected directly to stretch marks, which are a form of scarring caused by tearing of the dermis associated with rapid stretching of the skin. Over time, stretch marks can fade, but will not disappear on their own. The Platelet-Rich-Plasma procedure is designed to lighten & eradicate the scar tissue causing stretch marks and to correct loss of skin elasticity and to eliminate the dimples that are produced.
Benefits of PRP for Stretch Marks
- Diminishes Stretch Marks
- In most cases, total elimination of stretch marks
- Firmer skin
- Reduced skin dimpling
- Reduced vein appearance
- Smoother Skin